Tag: Mother’s Day

Check out some of the little rainforests ready and waiting for new homes, and give me a call to come pick one up. Any questions, give me a call or send an email below. Please follow me on Facebook and webpage for updates.
Happy Spring
Nancy Morrow
Selaginella peacock fern, 10 inches, requires maintenance
Castle under an antique cake plate, Mosses, begonia prismacarpa, McGravia, crystals
Hemigraphis, McGravia, neoregelia, freckles peperomia, deer bones, 10 x 8 inches
Begonia prismacarpa, mosses, 7 x 5 inch
Cryptanthus earth star, Mosses, McGravia, crystal cluster, requires maintenance
McGravia, petrified wood, 7 x 5 inches
Selaginella Ruby Red, Mosses, freckles peperomia, crystals, sea glass, 10 x 10 x 5
Maidenhair fern, Mosses, 10 inches , requires maintenance
More at the Mansion, but you get the general idea. If you want something a little bigger, designed for your space and built on site, let’s get together and talk it over soon.
Happy Mother’s Day Plant People!

This is the first post on my newly revamped website. Thanks, Rod Kirby, for your patience and diligent help in getting me up and running in time for Mom Shopping!
Mom like birds? This secret moss bowl, with a magpie on top, and a little red hen inside, nestled in a bed of soft, growing moss, may be just the ticket at $45.
Or something a little more dazzling? This ten inch tulip vase is more than a year old, with a beautiful espicia that blooms under very low light conditions. Little Dorothy is filled with crystals, geodes, and more to form an impish wonderland, and will grow to fill this container in a year or so if not kept trimmed. $125
Or, best of all, book an afternoon Build a Terry party for mom and a crew to get their hands in the dirt and make their own living art to enjoy for years to come. Pricing for parties vary based on materials chosen for customizing, but basic 8 inch bowl and three basic plants is $75 per person, minimum of two and maximum of five people. Bring your own wine …
Give me a call at 901-828-3685 or drop me an email using form below. Thanks for stopping by, and remember to follow this site for cool news, info, and event listings.