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It’s that time again, what with the cold and gray of winter descending on us, to get a little green to brighten your home or office.  Terrariums are great gifts for anyone who likes nature (and, really, who doesn’t like nature?) and particularly for us urban dwellers, with no space or time to garden.

 Come see me Sunday December 18, from noon to four pm, and I’ll help you pick just the right creation, whether simple and low maintenance for the novice, or more elaborate for a plant enthusiast to trim and train.

Seeking something truly unique?  Think kokedama!

And that’s not all!  Alisa Botto will be here with some photos from her Suburban Skies series, and they’re fabulous!

I’ll be cooking some nibbles, too, and hope you can come share some holiday cheer.  Check it all out below, send me a message, or call me at 901-828-3685 for more information.  Ya’ll Come!


Tiny green jewels


Suburban Sky









Creeping ficus kokedama




Interesting Tidbits

Terries at Music+Arts Studios Are So Happy, They Are Raising Their Rooftops!

I went to see the space before Ward selected his terries - he had a perfect eastern exposure, slightly filtered light
I went to see the space before Ward selected his terries – he had a perfect eastern exposure, slightly filtered light

You may remember from a post a few months ago that my friend, Ward Archer, installed some terries in his fabulous recording studio, Music + Arts, over in Cooper-Young.  The below photo of the 16 inch bowl on the left shows how it looked when I dropped it off in May:


Piles, rabbits foot fern, heart fern, especia, and more compete for space in this 9 month old gem.  It has been trimmed back once, about a month before this photo
Pilea,, rabbits foot fern, heart fern, especia, and more compete for space in this 9 month old gem. It has been trimmed back once, about a month before this photo


When I returned to check on the little guys in late July, I saw that they were really grooving on all the great music being recorded by people from all over the world at the studio.  Ward tells me everyone enjoys watching the microcosms grow and change.  Take a look at the new growth:



This Chocolate Soldier Especia tripled in size and is started on a period of blooming bright orange flowers that will soon cover the whole plant
This Chocolate Soldier Especia tripled in size and is started on a period of blooming bright orange flowers that will soon cover the whole plant




The purple pilea had grown and spread throughout the whole bowl, so I had to do a major trimming.  Ward was a little reluctant to lose any of the riot of growth, but understands the importance of maintaining balance in this closed environment
The purple pilea and roving especia had grown and spread throughout the whole bowl, so I had to do a major trimming. Ward was a little reluctant to lose any of the riot of growth, but understands the importance of maintaining balance in this closed environment


This little tableaux in an 8 inch brandy snifter features bonsai rubber trees that needed only a slight trim to bring everything back in order.  This terry is 14 months old
This little tableaux in an 8 inch brandy snifter features bonsai rubber trees that needed only a slight trim to bring everything back in order. This terry is 14 months old.

Give me a call at 901-828-3685 if you are interested in adding a Green Mansion to your life or to learn more about these fascinating creations.  Or send a message below.

I’m happy to help you select the right rainforest for your location and taste.  Custom designs are a particular favorite, and I always have a variety of sizes and environments on hand to choose from.  I’m having build your own workshops Sept 24-25, 2016, if you want to get your hands on experience in creating a world under glass.  Space is limited so sign up today!  Go to the Events page for more information.

Peace and Love – Nancy

Build Your Own Terry Classes and Workshops Curiosities Events Uncategorized

Rare Terrarium Plants, Air Plants, and More at Repticon Memphis July 30-31 – Ya’ll Come!

I’m meeting my good friend, the Air Plant King from The Funny Farm himself, Michael Seal, down in Southaven next week at the Repticon Memphis convention.

What’s Repticon, you ask?  Well, in September of 2009 Repticon expanded West with Repticon Memphis, a major reptile expo. Hosted at The Landers Center (formerly known as the Desoto Civic Center) in Southaven, Mississippi,  guests from Tennessee, Arkansas, and Mississippi have a chance to encounter a wide variety of reptiles and amphibians that they might not have had the opportunity to experience in their home cities. (Guests from outside of Mississippi purchasing pets to take home should check first to make sure their new pets are welcome by their local laws.) Repticon Memphis was also the second Repticon show to feature a venomous-included area, featuring non-native venomous snakes from around the world. Lots of herpers come out to the show from all over the tri-state, and we are very excited to be joining the lineup of vendors.

You can find all the details here: Repticon Memphis

Michael is bringing a passel of tillandsias and other bromeliads, driftwood, and whatnot.  Check out his website,

I’m bringing terrarium plants, terrariums, kokedama, crystals and minerals, terrarium soil mix and kits, and who knows what all!

Check out the photos below, and give me a call at 901-828-3685 with any questions.  Please leave your info for occasional plant posts.

Come see us, it should be very interesting…

Repticon_Link_Exchange_Banner (1)

Interesting Tidbits Memphis Gardens

Winter Perennials in Memphis Are Exquisite Surprises in Brown and Bare Gardens 

Memphis is a wonderful location for gardeners.  With some planning, over time, we can have beautiful foliage and blooms every day (and nights) of the year.


Golden Oregano is happy all year long and really pops in Janury.  Mine grows beside my front path

  Above, the wallflower just hunkers down in the snow, waiting for the sun to warm it up again. Wallflowers are unappreciated by Memphis gardeners, I think because they almost disappear in our summer heat and, like winter bulbs, can get damaged as we shift and plant while they are dormant.  Plant where they get really good drainage and bright winter sun for years of blooming when most other plants are sleeping.
  Above, day after snow, around 34 degrees and the wallflower is beaming back at the winter sunny sky.  Enlarge the photo to see all the buds clustered in the tops of the stems.  

Also in bottom of photo is little snapdragon.  He will grow whenever temps get above about 50 and sun shines, then draw in and slumber when it gets really cold.  I love snapdragons but they get sickly in our humid summers if not in pots.  Planted around walkways in our climate, they give a great show from late spring through early summer and the drier bed conditions might help escape the mildew that tags a lot of bedding plants

  Wallflower cluster of flower buds starting to open
  Carnations, dianthus, pinks, all have lovely silver foliage in the winter and will be in full scented bloom in April through hot weather. Violas in left corner are shivering after the snow, but a few hours of warm sun will make all the difference you need for happy faces smiling up at you

Verbena Bonariensis is a wonderful butterfly plant.  A rambling perennial, it grows large then subsides, throughout the year.  It will start blooming in late March or early April on small, almost tentative early stalks that grow hearty as the heat rises.  Three foot waving spikes of purple flowers feed the bees and hummers as it rambles through your flower beds by seeds and runners. 

 I’ll have some at my annual Almost Mothers Day Plant Sale and Faire this May.  Follow this page for notice of sales and events, and please post questions or comments