
Paulette Regan Joining Me at Feb 12 Open House Hooray

The Lovely Paulette Regan is joining me, with her head wreaths, watercolors, handmade cards, penny poems, and general spritely joy



Paulette is a Midtown legend: singer/songwriter, author, actress, visual artist, dancer … Wow! She’s bringing her guitar, might be crooning a few love songs, so come see us Sunday Feb 12 from1 to4 at 700 North Belvedere. Call 901-828-3685 or go to for more info


M Dancing Lady Love Sticks, shake me on down!
Something about frills about your face makes one happy, so this pile of head wreaths is a heap of happy!




Events Uncategorized


It’s that time again, what with the cold and gray of winter descending on us, to get a little green to brighten your home or office.  Terrariums are great gifts for anyone who likes nature (and, really, who doesn’t like nature?) and particularly for us urban dwellers, with no space or time to garden.

 Come see me Sunday December 18, from noon to four pm, and I’ll help you pick just the right creation, whether simple and low maintenance for the novice, or more elaborate for a plant enthusiast to trim and train.

Seeking something truly unique?  Think kokedama!

And that’s not all!  Alisa Botto will be here with some photos from her Suburban Skies series, and they’re fabulous!

I’ll be cooking some nibbles, too, and hope you can come share some holiday cheer.  Check it all out below, send me a message, or call me at 901-828-3685 for more information.  Ya’ll Come!


Tiny green jewels


Suburban Sky









Creeping ficus kokedama




House Plants Interesting Tidbits Sales and Open House Events Uncategorized

Disappearing Leaves on My Purple Passion Plant!

I brought in to my sun porch with a tropical fuchsia some leaf munching caterpillars in late September, and have been plagued ever since with sudden attacks that leave only the nubs of the stem and a little rib where once had been lush leaves.  I had hoped I had found all the little boogers except all of a sudden last week it started back… Here is what I found this morning.  I am glad they won’t have a chance to lay eggs somewhere.  So, remember to be extra vigilant right now, all kinds of plant pests are going to be materializing in your indoor gardens.

Come see me and my Green Mansion terrariums at the Garden Path Studio Holiday Open House on Sunday Dec 13, 1-6 pm.  597 Madison at Marshall.  Live music, holiday cheer and maybe a little shopping, too.   Ceramics, paintings, wearable woven art, photos, jewelry, terrariums, and more! Follow this page for updates, or post any inquiries, or email [email protected].  Ya’ll come! 

The above newly planted bowl of espicia has really grown beautifully, and I found a cool space helmety top for it to grow into.  It is about to start blooming just in time for the sale!