
Green Zazen Show and Sale Through Feb. 13

Remember to go see my exhibit at The Eclectic Eye, 242 South Cooper, sooner rather than later. The terries have been flying off the shelves (not FLYING but you get the picture) so don’t miss this rare opportunity to shop for your own Green Mansion. I delivered some more lovelies this week to wait for their new homes, maybe with you!

This gorgeous terry is named Nouveau Verde, and contains an assortment of miniature begonias, Mosses, tillandsia, neoregelia, crystals, petrified wood, and more.  The photo below was taken about nine months ago.  Go see it now, the begonias are spectacular!



Robbie liked the one below so much she decided to give it a permanent home at The Eclectic Eye, hooray!  I didn’t tell her, but I had named it Eclectic because of the curious assortment of elements in it.  The photo below was taken about nine months ago, go see how much it’s grown.




Many of the terry babies are built with Pygmy sundews, carnivores that trap tiny insects with their enticing sticky hairs:



And if you are in the Crosstown Concourse, go see my piece titled Mermaids Cove in the Homeward Bound exhibit at Crosstown Arts through January 27.

As always, feel free to call me at 901-828-3685 with any questions or send me  message.  Peace and love to us all.

Nancy Morrow



Events Sales and Open House Events

Terrarium in Upcoming Crosstown Arts Exhibit

I have a terrarium in the upcoming exhibit, Homeward Bound, opening Friday December 14, 2018, at  Crosstown Arts, reception 6-8 pm

You can read more about the exhibit here: Homeward Bound

Although all terries are homes, the piece I submitted is a memory of an imaginary home I’ve visited many times since I was a lonely kid with my nose in a book.  “Mermaid’s Cove “ was almost like a nightclub  in JM Barrie’s Peter Pan, where Peter would go play with the flirtatious sea maidens, leaving Wendy at home  to feed the Lost Boys and get them to bed.

This is a young terrarium, still in its first growth; it will need careful trimming to maintain the design over the years.  This is the piece which I planted this summer on The Family Plot television show.  You can view the segment here Nancy Builds a Terry on The Family Plot


About six weeks after planting, I began shaping the terrain and adding details



Here she is in mid-September, three months old. You will see how much more she has grown by December, and will need to be trimmed by the end of the exhibit.


If you want to learn more about these fascinating creations or get one of your own, you can send me an email or call 901-828-3685.    Come to my Open House Show and Sale on Sunday December 16 from noon to four p.m., too, at 700 North Belvedere in Midtown.


Floyd says hey! Follow this page for more cool stuff, find us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram @memphisplantlady


Events Sales and Open House Events

A Few of the Terries for December 17 Open House

Here are some of the little jewels I’ve been working on this year.  Come meet them at my Open House on December 17, from noon to 4 pm, at 700 North Belvedere.  Call me at 901-828-3685 with any questions.  Ya’ll come!  


Events Sales and Open House Events Uncategorized

Feb. 12 Winter Plant Sale With Special Valentine Creations

Looking for something to brighten gloomy winter days? Terrariums bring your home or office a rainforest under glass. Lift the tip to smell Eden. Come see me Sunday February 12 from 1 to 4 pm to learn more and leave with your own unique little green friend. 700 North Belvedere. Call 901-828-3685 for more information, or to schedule a consultation for custom designs or a build your own workshop.


Unicorn Fern Cake With Moss Frosting