
December 16 Open House, Ya’ll Come

Terrariums, plants, and other green gifts for your favorite plant lovers. Sunday December 16 from Noon to Four p.m. 700 North Belvedere. Call 901-828-3685 or for more info.

Come share some some holiday cheer!


Tillandsia “air plants”



Large Custom Projects Uncategorized

A New Green Mansion for the Barnharts

I recently had the pleasure of building a huge terrarium for Nancy and Dick Barnhart.  They had installed a 150 gallon aquarium between their living and dining rooms, and after many years decided they wanted a change.

The aquarium was a focal point of the Barnhart’s home
I had to build up the substrate and soil by more than a foot before planting.
Dick was delighted to see the design begin to take place. I made a gentle sloping mound of soil, with a stream bed to add interest, then began painting the landscape with mosses, ferns, tillandsias, and many more exotic rainforest plants.
Prayer plant; cryptanthus; tillandsias; streptocarpus; Virginia blue rabbits foot fern; pink fittonia. This is just one section, but you get the idea. Things will grow and change over time, depending on how Nancy decides to train the plants – she may keep it manicured or may let the plants grow freely into a wildly exuberant jungle.

If you are interested in having your own rainforest under glass, give me a call at 901-828-3685 or send me a message below. Thanks for checking it out!