
Happy Mother’s Day Plant People!

This is the first post on my newly revamped website.  Thanks, Rod Kirby, for your patience and diligent help in getting me up and running in time for Mom Shopping!

imageMom like birds?  This secret moss bowl, with a magpie on top, and a little red hen inside, nestled in a bed of soft, growing moss, may be just the ticket at $45.image







imageOr something a little more dazzling?  This ten inch tulip vase is more than a year old, with a beautiful espicia that blooms under very low light conditions.  Little Dorothy is filled with crystals, geodes, and more to form an impish wonderland, and will grow to fill this container in a year or so if not kept trimmed.  $125




Or, best of all, book an afternoon Build a Terry party for mom and a crew to get their hands in the dirt and make their own living art to enjoy for years to come.  Pricing for parties vary based on materials chosen for customizing, but basic 8 inch bowl and three basic plants is $75 per person, minimum of two and maximum of five people.  Bring your own wine …

Get your hands in the dirt
Get your hands in the dirt
cp8Give me a call at 901-828-3685 or drop me an email using form below.  Thanks for stopping by, and remember to follow this site for cool news, info, and event listings.


Sales and Open House Events Uncategorized

Kahuna's Dream

So last year I bought this odd little figurine of what appeared to be a native Hawaiian man carrying a surfboard; through the magic of the Internet I learned it was made in the 60’s by Coco Joe, a Hawaiian artist, from lava.  I have been planning and collecting elements to make a terrarium to showcase him ever since.

Come see Kahuna’s Dream at the Garden Path Studio Open House on Dec 13, at 597 Madison at Marshall from 1 to 6.  He is in a 16 inch bubble bowl, and would be stunning as a centerpiece on someone’s dinner table this Christmas.

Kahuna is now 4 months old and is really hitting a peak in design.  He needs to live with someone who will enjoy trimming some of his more boisterous plants a few times a year, but otherwise requires very little maintenance.  For only $350,  you can take home this unique, fascinating, dreamy seascape who will bring you many years of pleasure.

Check the posting on the Open House above, or send a message with any questions.  Hope to see you there for some plant chats.



House Plants Interesting Tidbits Sales and Open House Events Uncategorized

Disappearing Leaves on My Purple Passion Plant!

I brought in to my sun porch with a tropical fuchsia some leaf munching caterpillars in late September, and have been plagued ever since with sudden attacks that leave only the nubs of the stem and a little rib where once had been lush leaves.  I had hoped I had found all the little boogers except all of a sudden last week it started back… Here is what I found this morning.  I am glad they won’t have a chance to lay eggs somewhere.  So, remember to be extra vigilant right now, all kinds of plant pests are going to be materializing in your indoor gardens.

Come see me and my Green Mansion terrariums at the Garden Path Studio Holiday Open House on Sunday Dec 13, 1-6 pm.  597 Madison at Marshall.  Live music, holiday cheer and maybe a little shopping, too.   Ceramics, paintings, wearable woven art, photos, jewelry, terrariums, and more! Follow this page for updates, or post any inquiries, or email [email protected].  Ya’ll come! 

The above newly planted bowl of espicia has really grown beautifully, and I found a cool space helmety top for it to grow into.  It is about to start blooming just in time for the sale!


What To Do On A Rainy Holiday Weekend ?

I’ve been putting all my houseplants outside to get some great rain action.  It started with the tillandsias (air plants), then everybody else started clamoring for a turn, so I’be been toting my friends out in the driveway all morning.  Rain washes the plant, and gives it all kinds of nutrients, plus the physical stimulation of the rain is invigorating.  Kind of like a spa day… Speaking of which, I had a great spa day at the Midtown Spa last week, over on Peabody between Bhan Thai and the Annesdale Park Gallery.  All of which are great places to visit on a rainy day weekend.  Hooray!


It started with the tillies
It started with the tillies
Then the house plants had to get in on the action
The lovely Jennifer is keeping cozy on the sun porch.