Events Sales and Open House Events

Come See Me at Dabney’s Fall Festival Saturday Oct. 21!!

The fine folks at Dabney’s Nursery invited me to bring some terrariums for sale this Saturday and I said, HECK YEAH!!!  There’ll be mule drawn carriage tours of the nursery, BBQ, a petting zoo, and live music by Delta Joe Sanders.  Who could ask for more on a beautiful October afternoon?

So, in between all of that fun stuff, step inside the gift shop to see my new creations.  I have a variety of smaller terrariums, some that can hang in a kitchen window, and will bring a few larger guys, too.  Also, a good variety of healthy, happy tillandsias (air plants), a few terrarium kits, and a “build your own” for kids while supplies last!

Dabney’s is located at 5576 Hacks Cross Road; I’ll be there from 11 am to 4 pm, so come on down and visit a while.  Got a question?  Give me a holla at 901-828-3685.

This beauty is now 6 months old and needs a good trimming – come see it. You might have a table just waiting for it at home!


Tiny green jewels
You can put them away from a window so long as you have a broad spectrum light. Plants need light to make food, remember?




Events Sales and Open House Events Uncategorized

Feb. 12 Winter Plant Sale With Special Valentine Creations

Looking for something to brighten gloomy winter days? Terrariums bring your home or office a rainforest under glass. Lift the tip to smell Eden. Come see me Sunday February 12 from 1 to 4 pm to learn more and leave with your own unique little green friend. 700 North Belvedere. Call 901-828-3685 for more information, or to schedule a consultation for custom designs or a build your own workshop.


Unicorn Fern Cake With Moss Frosting




Events House Plants Sales and Open House Events

Kokedama, Terrariums and Carnivorous Plants, Oh My!

Come see me at the Germantown Farmers Market on July 21 from 4 to 7 pm and bring all your questions about plants, gardening, and particularly tropical houseplants.  I’ll be demonstrating the fascinating art and science of making kokedama and terrariums, and will have some cool carnivorous plants on hand, too.  It’s too hot for most terrarium plants to be outside right now, but I’ll have a few on hand for sale along with some terrarium kits and plants to buy and plant at home.

The Germantown Farmers Market is located in the Bobby Lanier Farm Park at 2660 Cross Country Drive in Germantown.  You can give me a call at 901-828-3685 or leave a comment or question below for more information.

Never heard of kokedama?  They are REALLY cool additions to patios, porches, shady balconies, etc., in the summer, and can easily be brought inside in the winter.  Kokedama is a bonsai technique from Japan, where suitable plants are planted into specially mixed soil, sphagnum moss, and potters clay, then covered in living moss and wrapped with waxed thread to keep it all together.  Done properly, it forms a  beautiful living container that is actually very easy to maintain.  They can be displayed on saucers with pebbles, but are most spectacular when hung in groups.   Come see me to learn more and start your own hanging garden!

Ferns are traditionally used in kokedama.  This holly fern is a beauty, don't you think?
Ferns are traditionally used in kokedama. This holly fern is a beauty, don’t you think?
Closeup of the moss ball covering the roots. The potters clay in the soil keeps it all tidy, no soil washes out when you water. I promise!
In foreground,  a Kentucky Blue rabbits foot fern is beginning to send its odd feet running out over the moss.  It makes me happy to come home to these mysterious flying plants on my front porch!
In foreground, a Kentucky Blue rabbits foot fern is beginning to send its odd feet running out over the moss. It makes me happy to come home to these mysterious flying plants on my front porch!

Interesting Tidbits Sales and Open House Events Tillandandsias a/k/a Air Plants

Air Plant Farmer at Arkansas Flower and Garden Show Feb 26-28, 2016

If you are in the Little Rock area this weekend, don’t miss the opportunity to meet a true character in the plant world, my friend Michael Seal, who has a large variety of tillandsias, commonly known as air plants, and other bromeliads for sale.  He imports and grows these fascinating plants in southern Mississippi at his nursery, The Funny Farm.  You can buy individual plants, or air plant arrangements on wood, stone, or even hanging air plant mobiles!

The show is at the Statehouse Convention Center, 101 East Markham, in Little Rock. For more info go to Arkansas Garden Show. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to buy the healthiest tillandsias you will ever see, with a wide variety to choose from, at direct from the grower prices.  Michael can tell you the tips and tricks for keeping these little fellows happy and healthy, so head over to the show this weekend and tell him the Memphis Plant Lady told you to say Hey!

Here are a few of the many beautiful tillies you will see at The Funny Farm: