About Green Mansions


A terrarium is a great way to have a low maintenance world of green. My terries are special creations, tiny hideaways for quiet contemplation, where you can leave behind the over-stimulation of public life. All are built with plants specifically selected for their ability to stay small and thrive in the low light and high humidity of closed glass containers. I keep them for weeks or months before sending them off to live with new friends, so I can train the plants through selective trimming and mold the unique whimsical or realistic design which is revealed in the process.

You can also schedule a time to build your own terrarium using the exotic tropical plants I collect and grow, and learn the right  materials and techniques to build a little world that will live and grow for years.

I am also available to consult with you in your personal environment so I can make recommendations tailored to fit your space and lifestyle. I can teach you the basics you need to be successful, instead of puzzled and disappointed.  Whether you want to have plants inside and or out in a garden, once you understand the basics of site selection, soil, and lighting, the world of green will open for you.

Consults are usually four hours or so, tailored to your need.  We can spend a few hours looking at your space, then develop a plan to fill it.  We might take a trip to a greenhouse or two, or do some shopping online.

Give me a call at 901-828-3685 or drop me an email.  Follow this website for special offers, discounts, and updates on sale events, workshops, and more!  Thanks for dropping by.

Nancy Morrow




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