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Here are some of the little jewels I’ve been working on this year. Come meet them at my Open House on December 17, from noon to 4 pm, at 700 North Belvedere. Call me at 901-828-3685 with any questions. Ya’ll come!
This guy is heavy, about 18inches in diameter and will need a good sized space. It is in an antique glass cake carrying case, too not pictured. It will require some trimming and will be better for someone with a moderate level of plant proficiency. Antique glass with exotic plants, and a moss covered castle! $250
Detail of eyelash begonia and begonia capanensis
Some terry babies, with crystal geodes and moss, tightly sealed, dry low maintenance. 4 inches tall, perfect for desktop or windowsill
A simple terry baby, a little moss and crystal, 3 inches
Tillandsias filifolia ear muffs for winter in tropics
Lucious ten inch bubble bowl, with neoregelia, ruby red spike moss selaginella, tillandsias filifolia, feather moss, tillandsias bulbosaaverage cost for 10 inch
Peacock moss selaginella and feather moss, what a great green idea. 8 inches tall, $30
Another terry baby, five inch, sealed, cushion moss and crystal cluster
air plants , bromeliad , christmas event , fern , gifts , Green mansions Memphis , home decor , House Plants , Made in Memphis , moss , terrarium , terrariums , tillandsia , Tropical Plants