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Come See Us at Crosstown Concourse on Saturday May 12

Nouveau Greene is 18 inches and stunning on a tabletop. Filled with miniature begonias, tillandsia, neoregelia, and Mosses, she needs a bright east window or maybe a spotlight.

It’s gonna be a big party at the Mother’s Day Pop Up Shop in Crosstown Concourse all day Saturday.  Artists scattered all around the concourses, music and lots of other fun stuff, starts at 11 so come on down and get something for Mom, and, what the heck, something for you.

I’m bringing terrariums in a variety of shapes and sizes, and have some carnivores, for the discerning plant fans.  Also bringing some kits and plants to build your own at home.

I’ll be in the Central  Concourse, so ya’ll come.  Give me a call with any questions etc.





Carnivorous Sundew plants and tillandsia bulbs, fossils and mosses all add up to a landscape from another planet!

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