It’s that time again, what with the cold and gray of winter descending on us, to get a little green to brighten your home or office. Terrariums are great gifts for anyone who likes nature (and, really, who doesn’t like nature?) and particularly for us urban dwellers, with no space or time to garden.
Come see me Sunday December 18, from noon to four pm, and I’ll help you pick just the right creation, whether simple and low maintenance for the novice, or more elaborate for a plant enthusiast to trim and train.
Seeking something truly unique? Think kokedama!
And that’s not all! Alisa Botto will be here with some photos from her Suburban Skies series, and they’re fabulous!
I’ll be cooking some nibbles, too, and hope you can come share some holiday cheer. Check it all out below, send me a message, or call me at 901-828-3685 for more information. Ya’ll Come!
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